House Project Updates

1. Floor has been stripped and waxed

A huge thanks goes out to our cleaning lady for making the floors beautiful again! It was quite a task that took two days to complete, the kitchen and nook in one day then the entire classroom the next. It was also a task to keep people from walking on the floors for a reasonable amount of time. Of course, I dont want to (and sometimes simply can't) deny users from entering the building... but I tried! As of today, the floors look great. I believe they will get a second coat of polish at the beginning of this coming week. Actually, I wonder if regular floor polish can be used on the wooden stairs too.....

2. Finally got window and door treatments

Thanks to Nikki's willingness and Jude (our driver) for his patience, the classroom and main entrance door now have curtains. I thought it best to look for something light colored and light-weight for the classroom, but grand entrance curtains for the doors. I also found some door beads on sale for the kitchen entrances, in place of thin curtains like were there before. Curtains add a nice touch of home for a place so institutional, but I am no expert.

3. Learning how to make captions on photos

This photo (credits to Nicolette Laume) pasted into Photoshop with great quality and I only need to work on my effiiciency in adding captions now. I'm not sure if I want the text box to appear around the photo, but if I do choose to do that, I'll also put a matching black border around the image itself. Hopefully, I will be able to matte all the images. These are for the rust orange wall, to highlight some features of the program and the country.

The thing is.... I dont want the wall to just be about my experience, but to be mostly universal so it is timeless on the wall. Every generation can view and learn something about what I found in the house, or what we did this semester, etc. So I need to collect photos from other students to compliment my own and make this wall more 'well rounded' and complete. Everyone has exams and final papers and presentations, therefore my requests for .jpgs will be the easiest to forget. I'd rather not sacrifice the quality of the project by waiting. I've already made the group aware that I'm looking for photos, but I havent received any donations yet. I may need a backup plan. I will do my best to give credits where they are due and seek photos for these topics (here are just a few): Pitch Lake, Tobago, Native fruits, Alice Yard, Liliput Theatre, 3 Canal, Leroy Clarke, Maracas Beach, UWI. I may also call upon photos from Andrea's maxi project and Nikki's presenation on boundaries.

4. Official show date

We are required to do a group presentation for Tony Hall's "Festival and Drama" course before the end of the semester. Originally we were to present on May 5th but given the crunch for time with exams and papers, he approved us to move the presentation date to May 12th. Our presentation is going to involve building an installation and live presentation for an audience. With the complexity of my project involving aesthetics, furniture arrangement, and aura, I dont feel that it's a good idea to have the hous opening on the 12th anymore and have been contemplating the 11th or the 13th, but no later or earlier. I'm aiming for the 11th) Of course, I will still be participating in the Alice Yard exhibition on the 12th with Nikki and Andrea to have all of our projects at one moment in time. I want to do an installation to represent the interior design process, but we'll see how it happens as time cruntches.


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